Catalano & Catalano has settled numerous cases in the 7-figures against insurance companies; attorneys; accountants; major corporations and individuals.
- Enriquez V. AAA / Boggs $500,000.00 landslide settlement in 2011
within 4 months of the slide occuring.
- Corona Landslide Involving 12 homes settled within
10 months of the date of the landslide in 2011 for a total settlement of over $3 million.
- Numerous Other Landslide; Construction Defect and Home Owners Problems Resolved in Home Owners Favor.
- Representation of HomeOwners Against Developers For misrepresentation of square footage of
purchased homes & condominiums & other misrepresentations.
- McCollum V. Defendant 2009 San Diego County Superior Court case
$1 million Settlement
- La Costa de Marbella Homeowners Association V. State Farm Insurance 2008 San Diego County Superior Court case
$1.5 million Settlement
- La Costa de Marbella Homeowners Association and individual homeowners V. The city of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) 2007 San Diego County Superior Court case
$12.55 million Settlement
- Banich V So 2007 San Diego County Superior Court case
Over $1 Million Settlement
- Wehrly v. The Tradition Club Associates, LLC 2005 Riverside County Superior Court case
Over $1 Million Settlement
- Sundance Venture Partners v. Arthur Anderson; O’Melveny & Myers 2003 Orange County Superior Court case
$1 Million Settlement
- Verde Canyon v. City of San Clemente 1997 Orange County Superior Court case
$5 Million Settlement
- Melrose Park Property Ownwers Association v. National Properties, Inc. 1997 San Diego County Superior Court case
$5 Million Settlement
- Broadmoor-San Clemente Homeowners Association v. Genstar Corp. 1987 Orange County Superior Court case
$3 Million Settlement